It has been brought to the attention of Montgomery County Record-er Brandon McClain that mailers have been sent from ‘County Deed Re-cords’ to homeowners soliciting the purchase of a home warranty from Home Warranty Solutions. Please note all communications from the Montgomery County Recorder’s Office are sent in an envelope bearing the official county seal. Further, the Montgomery County Recorder’s Office does not endorse or offer any home warranty programs.
“It is of the utmost importance that people trust their government, especially when concerning public records,” said McClain. “I feel I have earned your trust, and as such, want to protect it. I will not permit the unauthorized use of my office or official duties by any private business. Any communications you may receive which state otherwise are false, misleading, and exactly why we need consumer protection laws which seriously punish those who target our neighbors,” said Recorder McClain.
If you have any question about any communications you have received from the Montgomery County Recorder’s Office, please contact the office at 937-225-4275.