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Debt Ceiling Crisis Looms: The Potential Impact on Black Communities in the U.S. and Dayton, Ohio

By Nate Dillard, Elevate Dayton

The big picture: The looming U.S. debt ceiling crisis could spell financial trouble for the nation, particularly for marginalized groups, such as Black Americans. As Congress tussles over raising the federal debt limit, the threat of an unprecedented default hangs heavy,according to The Grio.

Why it matters: If the U.S. defaults on its loans, it could trigger far-reaching economic turmoil. This scenario could disproportionately impact Black and brown households, including those in Dayton, Ohio, where many depend on federal services.

Zoom in: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy insists on spending cuts in return for a debt limit increase, which could lead to reduced funding for public schools and safety programs. As Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) explains, such cuts could harm the entire country, but especially the Black community.

What we're hearing: Many experts, including equity scholar Michael Neal, warn of an uncertain fallout from a U.S. default. The possible fallout includes the suspension of federal workers' pay and a stoppage of vital services like food stamps and Social Security, which support a significant percentage of the Black community.

Between the lines: The prospect of a default also spells danger for Black veterans and older Black women, who are typically more reliant on federal benefits due to systemic issues such as wage disparities and access to healthcare.

What we're watching: The knock-on effect on the economy could increase borrowing costs for things such as auto, home, and personal loans. Neal also warns that communities of color, who typically have weaker credit profiles, could face increased credit access difficulties.

The backstory: The debt ceiling is the legislative limit of money the U.S. government can borrow. As the nation's expenditure exceeds its revenue, the need to increase the debt limit becomes imperative to avoid defaulting on its debts.

Catch up quickly: The U.S. has never defaulted on its loans, and it's currently in uncharted territory as the June 1 deadline approaches. If an agreement is not reached, the repercussions could be devastating.

What's next: The future of the U.S. economy now largely rests on President Biden's ability to negotiate with Republicans over the debt ceiling and avoid spending cuts.

The bottom line: The debt ceiling crisis could be financially disastrous for many Americans, especially Black and brown communities, if not handled carefully.

Go deeper: The ongoing crisis underscores the need for a balanced approach to fiscal policies that protect the most vulnerable while maintaining economic stability.

The community angle: The Black and brown communities of Dayton, Ohio, like many across the U.S., rely heavily on federally funded services, and they stand to bear the brunt of the impending crisis. They could face more significant struggles due to systemic disparities in healthcare, education, and the labor market. These communities will need special attention to buffer the potential negative impacts of the debt ceiling crisis.

This article originally appeared on Elevate Dayton and republished through its partnership with the Dayton Weekly News.

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