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Dayton Section National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) Annual Teddy Round-Up

Writer's picture: Carol PrewittCarol Prewitt

In the words of James Owensby, “There’s just something about a teddy bear that’s impossible to explain. When you hold one in your arms, you get a feeling of love, comfort, and security.” Teddy Bears are for sure a symbol of love. The Dayton Section National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) continue to share Teddy Bear love with children in need in Montgomery County.

Each year on Valentine’s Day the Dayton Section NCNW, through their Teddy Bear Round-Up community service project, delivers over 800 teddy bears to local children who are ill or are part of the Family Services system. In 2004, Past President Sondra B. Elmore presented this project to the Dayton Section NCNW and The Dayton Urban League Guild because she always had a love for stuffed animals. Stuffed animals provided her comfort during the loss of her two children. The Dayton Section NCNW adopted the project which has proved to be a comfort to children in need in Montgomery County.

The 20th Annual Teddy Bear Round Up was held in person Tuesday, February 14th. Over 1,000 teddy bears were delivered to nine different sites. Over 300 teddy bears were delivered to Montgomery County Children Services Haines Children Center, 3304 N. Main St. “A tedy bear may seem like a small thing, but it can be a tremendous comfort for children when they enter foster care,” said Montgomery County Commissioner Judy Dodge. Commissioner Dodge applauded and thanked the Dayton Section for their continued support in bringing a smile to the children’s faces and comfort to their precious souls.

“The children and families we serve are often going through some challenging times,” Associate Director of Montgomery County Children Services, Craig Rickett said. “When life gets difficult, everyone needs something to hold on to – thanks to NCNW, a stuffed toy can be that something for these kids.” “We are so pleased to be able to continue to do this event. We realize the children need a lot of love and our goal is to continue to bring a smile to a child,” Dayton Section President, Dr. Carmela Daniels said. Teddy bears were also delivered to:

  • Dayton Children’s Hospital, 730 Valley St.,

  • Ronald McDonald House, 555 Valley St.,

  • Domestic Violence Shelter – YWCA, 141 West Third St.,

  • Hannah’s Treasure Chest, 174 Westpark Rd.,

  • Dayton Christian Center, 1352 W. Riverview Ave.,

  • Stillwater Center, 8100 N. Main St.,

  • Youthland Academy, 1436 Needmore Road, and

  • Miami Valley Child Development Center, 830 W. Third St.

The teddy bears will offer comfort and joy to sick children and those children who just need to know someone thought of them and want to show them some love.

A heartfelt thank you is extended to, Mrs. Priscilla Jones and Mrs. Sherri Walton for their tireless, exemplary servant leadership, and the Teddy Bear Round-Up committee members. A heartfelt thank you is also extended to NCNW Life Member Ms. Jenell Ross and the grandnephew of Mrs. Jones who plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers, Mr. Caris Levert, for their generous donation of $1,000 each. The Dayton Section would like to acknowledge and thank Walgreens for their generous donation of $500 and all others who supported the event to help bring comfort and a smile to a child’s face.

Dayton Section President, Dr. Carmela Daniels invites women and youth who are committed to service to join the Dayton Section NCNW. Virtual meetings are held the third Sundays, September to June, 3:00 P.M. For additional information contact Dr. Carmela Daniels, President at ncnwdayton@gmail. com.


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